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ExFAT vs. NTFS – Comparision of two Filing Systems
Are you also looking for a precise comparison of exFAT vs NTFS filing systems? If yes, then here is a compact article about these two filing systems. Before we dig into the points that can help you compare the two filing systems, let us see the purpose of a filing system and how it can help you.
Some Basic Info about Filing Systems

The filing system in your PC or system helps you to arrange the data/files in a safe and compact manner. With the help of these systems, you can ensure that your system operates/run smoothly. Moreover, these tools of filing can also help you store a lot of files without facing any lagging or hanging issues. Moreover, several filing software of this sort can also provide a good backup and security to your data as well.
Another point that one can note here is that these filing systems have been evolving with time. Just as we regularly update and upgrade our phones and our operating software, these filing systems have been upgrading as well. Now, over the course of the last few years, we know that technology has been dynamic and developing. The same happens with the filing system software as well. Here, when we talk about exFAT vs NTFS, we see a big change in the functions as well. This is because exFAT was out for the public in 2003, whereas NTFS was available in 1993. Hence, the gap between the two filing systems has also impacted the technology and features that they have to offer.
Why the Comparison?

Well, you might wonder why are we having exFAT vs NTFS in the first place. Well, as you know that exFAT and NTFS (New Technology File System) are two filing systems made by Microsoft only. Hence, with the new updates and upgrades, both the filing systems have their list of pros and cons. Let us check out which one is the best for you by discussing the qualities and drawbacks.
What is exFAT all about?
As exFAT is the recent one that made an entry in the market, let us talk about it first. exFAT, which stands for extended file allocation table, is a program/system that Microsoft put out in 2006. As compared to its alternative, NTFS, this is fairly recent and updated. One of the main reasons to let out software like this was hard drives and SD cards. Around the early 2000s, SD cards and hard drives were on the rise. Looking at this, Microsoft came out with exFAT that can arrange the files on external storage devices such as SD cards and hard drives. Now we have things like Microsoft OneDrive as well.
More Details
Another major difference that exFAT had in comparison to NTFS was the space issue. As NTFS is an older filing system, the space that it can function with was only open with a file limit. However, when exFAT was out, there was a huge spike in the storage space and need. The need for storage space and external devices was getting common in a lot of fields of work and personal use. Due to this, exFAT came out as one of the best filing systems that can easily manage and sort out the system filings on any external drive without any space issues or limitations.
Some Pros About exFAT that you should keep in mind-
- The best solution for external source system filing issues was made specifically for this.
- Easy storage of files that causes no or minimum hindrance by any size or number.
- Based on a new age technology that is compatible with a lot of new systems, laptops and storage sources.
These were some basic details about exFAT. With these points in mind, you can analyze the broad use and purpose of this filing system. Now, let us focus a bit on NTFS here.
exFAT vs NTFS -What is NTFS, and What are its Pros?
Now that we have some clue about how exFAT works and functions, let us shift our focus to the system filing software that came out in 1993. Here we are talking about NTFS or the New File Technology system. This was one of the early file systems made available by Microsoft in 1993.
Unlike it, a competitor in the comparison of exFAT vs NTFS, this was not made to focus on the external software/storage devices. Moreover, in 1993, the external software devices and attachments were not that common or in use. The developers were still working on the functions of these external storage devices like SD cards and hard drives. These storage devices only became common only in the early 2000s.
Some Pros about NTFS that you must know –
Now, before we bring to the final conclusion between the two, we must be aware of the pros of both the filing systems. As we already know about the pros of exFAT, it is time to explore the pros of NTFS so that you can make a fair judgement.
Some basic functions and Pros of NTFS-
- Just like its filing system competitor, even NTFS has no size hold-up as far as the partition is concerned.
- Due to its expansive usage and integration, NTFS allows users to approve or disapprove the various file permits as well.
- NTFS works seamlessly on the internal drive of the system. Unlike the exFAT filing system, which works better with the external storage units, NTFS works great with the internal ones.
However, when we talk about the partition size limit and the file size limit, both are better in exFAT, not in NTFS. This may be due to the new technology that has been used in the making of exFAT. However, now let us process towards our conclusion/verdict. that will help you distinguish and understand the comparison between exFAT vs NTFS.
exFAT vs NTFS- What is the final word?

As you can analyze by comparing the details and functions of exFAT and NTFS, both are great system filing software. However, due to the huge gap in the launch as well as the leaping upgrade/update in system technology, both are aiming for slightly different use. exFAT is majorly concerned with external devices and its filing system management. At the same time, NTFS is majorly used for its seamless operation with the internal hard drive.