The Resident Season 3 Episode 8: Streaming Details And Preview!

The Resident Season 3

The new and upcoming 8th Episode of “The Resident Season 3” titled ‘Peking Duck Day’. the series going to air out its this upcoming episode at 9:00 PM. The plotlines of the episode will show you the struggling efforts of Devon and Irving at work. Hardcore medical reality: medicine is a for-profit business. This show tells it like it is.

Besides, the characters grab you; storylines can be quite dramatic, but this is TV. The relationships and medical/ethical issues are spots on. The music and pace of the show are rocks.  Again, this show demands to be recognized. The critics hate it. But the audience has already given favorable reviews in and around 85.

However, sometimes the characters do the most ridiculously unbelievable things just to advance the plot. In the mid-season finale, Jenna’s character, the medical device sales rep, gets into the device CEO’s car. Instead of either waiting for the FDA guy or just saying no!

What person would ever do that episode in this day and age? No one. And then when she realizes she’s being followed. Then she keeps on turning around in her seat to look at the car behind her,

Instead of just looking in her freak in the rear-view mirror like any normal person. Just so she won’t be able to see the oncoming truck and then crash. Just so incredibly not believable. She is a smart woman and would not do these things in real life. I would be happy if the writers would respect their characters more instead of just using them to advance the plot.


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