The Most Common living Room Design Mistakes

common living room design mistakes

The designing and decorating of your living room is a trial and error experiment of sorts. It could become an overwhelming process as everybody around you, including the internet, will give you tons of advice on things you should or must do and you will get tempted to hear everyone out so that you don’t miss out on the latest new trend whilst maintaining your thoughts on your personal choices. While it is not wrong to do all this but one must always be aware of things one must not do while designing their living room. So whether you are out to get beds on rent or buy a new chandelier stop whatever you are doing and check out some of the common mistakes that people often fail to watch out for while decorating their dream leaving the room:

  • Proportions and sizes

Just because a piece of furniture is good doesn’t mean you shouldn’t necessarily rush to buy it unless you have measured the dimensions of the house and know for sure that the furniture ordered will be in proportion with the dimensions of the room and other furniture in the room. For example, if you order a small piece of furniture at first you may have the rationalization that it will create space, however, in reality, it will only end up killing the vibe of the room and the space that is created will not be unusable.

  • Mismatching furniture

Every piece of furniture does not marry very well with every kind of décor. For instance, if you have a small space and minimalistic vibe going on, a two-seater sofa coupled with armchairs would much be a better option rather than a big sofa, as the latter would be suitable for a big and grand living room. Therefore it is advisable to rent sofas and try them out rather than being stuck with that new couch you just bought and cannot return

  • That perfect rug

Choosing a rug that matches the current interior design of a living room is not unlike choosing a tie that complements a suit perfectly. However, without being aware of the basics of buying a rug, chances are more of you making the wrong choice. When it comes to rug the most important thing to keep in mind is ensuring that the rug is not small as that would create an imbalance and will also wobble as you are bound to get your feet under it. Therefore always try and choose a large rug that will not only make the room appear big but will highlight the appearance of the room. However, it should not be big enough to cover the entryway

  • Light layering

The modern usage of light dictates using it in a layered fashion in a way that highlights the colored accents of the drapes or covers on sofa used in the room along with underscoring the architecture. These could also be complemented with a couple of dimmers here and there.

When it comes to designing living rooms we all want to flex our creative muscles however we must try not to overkill as that would be counterproductive and would degrade the vibe.


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