How to Use Glue Traps for Bed Bugs Effectively

how to use glue traps for bed bugs
Image Credit: Planet Natural

Bed bugs are a common trouble in most households. People often complain of getting red bite marks and itching after waking up in the morning. Those pesky bed bugs can be held responsible. There are many ways in which these little pests can be removed from the household, but people keep asking how to use glue traps for bed bugs because that is the easiest way to detect and detach bed bugs from your home. 

Glue traps are not only the most popular bed bug traps but also a cost-effective option. In this article, we will learn about different types of traps for bed bugs, and how glue traps are used to get rid of them and get a good night’s sleep. But before proceeding to discover how to use glue traps for bed bugs, let us quickly learn about bed bugs.

What are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are brownish, small, oval-shaped insects. They usually reside in the cracks and creases of your bed, particularly in the seams of your bedding or mattress. Bed bugs can travel a long distance. They cling to your clothing, bedding, luggage, or furniture and get carried from one place to another. If you are wondering how you got bed bugs, it is possible that they got into your house from another bed bug-infested environment. 

harmful insects

Bed bugs thrive on blood. They suck blood from any warm-blooded creature. However, feasting on humans is what they prefer. Although bed bugs need blood to grow and reproduce, these darned insects can survive for up to a year without food. 

Despite not spreading malicious diseases, bed bugs are annoying and difficult to get rid of. Keep reading this article to learn how to use glue traps for bed bugs.

How to Use Glue Traps for Bed Bugs

When it comes to glue traps or sticky traps, there are plenty of different categories available. While some glue traps are intended to work for bed bugs only, some are effective in catching rodents and other insects. 

If you are here to know how to use glue traps for bed bugs, you might be interested in learning if glue traps are an effective treatment. Here are some of the many types of glue traps for pest control:

1. Bed Bug Specific Glue Traps

Bed bug-specific glue traps are usually flat sheets smeared with an adhesive that catches the insects. So, how to use glue traps for bed bugs? These traps are placed on the ground on in areas with high bed bug traffic. When the pests pass through the sticky trap, they get caught in the glue and become immobile. The theory behind a glue trap is that when insects touch it, they will become trapped and finally die. Alternatively, you can simply pick them up from the trap and dump them away from your house. This is an effective and cost-efficient way to get rid of bed bugs. 

how to use glue traps for bed bugs2. Pitfall Glue Traps

Pitfall Glue Traps are a highly effective trapping device to catch ground-dwelling insects like mice or rats. These glue traps have an incredibly powerful adhesive that ensures a quick catch. If you intend to purchase a pitfall glue trap, make sure the seller is reputable and that the product is non-toxic. Typically, the glue used in these traps is toxic and dangerous to both children and pets.

3. Standard Glue Traps

Standard glue traps are similar to the other sticky trap boards that are made for catching rodents, bugs, and other pesky insects. Using them at your home makes sure the insects are trapped and later removed from the household. Ensure you know the regulations for using these traps as many regions have prohibited the use of glue traps. 

Are the traps useful?

Yes, glue traps for bed bugs are highly effective. The adhesive is extremely potent and is able to hold the trapped insects for a long time. Although glue traps are an effective way to catch and lessen the number of bed bugs in your house, they cannot ensure the complete eradication of bugs in your house. For the best results, it is crucial to combine a glue trap for bed bugs with additional bed bug removal techniques. 

insects killing products

Additionally, small children and other house pets may be harmed by the toxins used in the glue traps. In order to attract insects, the traps are often made with strong and harmful adhesives. Both kids and pets can touch or lick them and get sick. 

Accidental contact with sticky traps could result in the glue sticking to the fur of the animal or the skin of the baby. It could result in pain and discomfort while the glue is removed from them. The toxic adhesive can also upset their stomach or create poisoning effects on their health. Before you know how to use glue traps for bed bugs you must take preventive measures and plan proper management. Being extremely precautious is important while installing a bed bug glue trap.

Where to place glue traps

Before learning how to use glue traps for bed bugs, you must first learn about their packaging. Placing them in the right area influences their efficacy. These glue traps usually come with a paper lining which needs to be removed before laying them for use. As you remove the paper from the adhesive, you must place it in an area where you feel has the maximum insect activity. Be careful while working with the traps because the glue used is very strong. It might get stuck to your fingers and lessen its effectiveness. Also, ensure that you are not placing it in an area where you don’t have too much access. 

If you want to know more about how to use glue traps for bed bugs, you must first understand the natural residing or hiding places of the bed bugs. They usually hide in cold and dark areas, usually away from the reach of humans. So, placing the traps in regions like under the bud, behind the bed headboard, and close to any wall cracks will fetch you maximum results. While doing the placement, you must ensure that the sticky board is placed close to the floor so much there is optimum contact with the close by insects. In this way, you can increase the efficacy of the sticky traps. 


So, this was a comprehensive guide on how to use glue traps for bed bugs. You can try these at home if you have fewer number of insects in the house. In case of a high bed bug infestation, you should call a team of professionals. 


  1. What attracts bed bugs to glue traps?

Bed bugs or other insects usually get trapped in the adhesive used in a glue trap without any hassle. But you can place treats or baits to maximize the efficacy. 

  1. Can bugs escape glue traps?

Although the adhesive used in a glue trap is so strong that it is practically impossible for bugs to get out of it, sometimes some bugs manage to evade if the glue is not working properly.

  1. How long do the bed bug glue traps last?

Usually, the glue boards or traps need to be replaced once or twice in every month. But they are made to stay effective for a longer period. 

  1. Are glue traps toxic for humans?

Despite being potentially non-toxic, it may cause severe skin irritation or other hazards if the glue comes in contact with your skin or eyes. 


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