Here are 7 instagram pages to help you procrastinate

instagram pages to help you procrastinate

Over 1 billion monthly users are on instagram, with a fair ratio of male and female as a demographic audience. It is the second most downloaded free app on the Apple store and over 63% of instagram users log in to the app everyday. While instagram has become known to promote businesses and services, it is also known to have a strong community of users who follow pages based on their preferences. This can be for example a certain type of sense of humour, a love for food, travel or fashion too. Here are seven Instagram pages to help you procrastinate.

There are a ton of pages on instagram with incredible content and that would be worthy of procrastinating. Whether you need a bit of distraction from an all nighter of studying, working or just to pass time, here are 7 instagram pages that can help you procrastinate.


If you want to entertain yourself by laughing at memes that you can completely relate to, plus by watching videos on repeat then you should check out X.D. This instagram page loves to connect with their followers and even share content from their fans. The humour is very broad, for they like to focus on different topics; from politics to education, you will find something to laugh at. They create their own videos which are addictive to watch on repeat.The page has been around for 6 years and has a huge fan base on both instagram and snapchat. XD have stated, “We love to connect with our followers, because they appreciate our content and see them as friends. We have kept friends with regular users and celebrities, because they love our feed.”

The Mantra Co.

The Mantra Co. is an instagram page that focuses on astrology and provides horoscopes for each star sign. It is very popular with its followers, since it describes the accuracy of each personality for each star sign. The instagram page also promotes inspirational quotes that focuses on mental health and positive vibes. It is a great page to follow if you want to connect with your spirituality and understand the characteristics of your zodiac sign better.

Birb memes

If you have a pet parrot or bird in general, then you will most definitely relate to this page. Birb memes speaks for itself in regards to the context; since there are funny memes based on birds, that will keep you entertained all day. Even if you don’t have a pet bird, you’d soon want to get one after checking out the memes for fun and for laughter.

Glossy Zodiac

Glossy Zodiac is another astrology page to follow, only it has funny content with memes that portray each zodiac sign. It has a broad range of sense of humour, which can relate to all personalities for zodiac signs. Some memes might make a light out of troubling situations, whilst other memes have a certain sarcastic sense of humour. However, overall you can relate to the everyday situations for each zodiac sign, whilst they also point out the pros and cons for each zodiac sign.

Studio total onyx

If you’re into art, then check out this illustrator on instagram. His angle is to turn well known cartoon characters into African American versions, so that there is diversity with the most iconic cartoon characters that we know. He also creates storyboards of real life events such as relationships. 

Pet Foolery

If you love animals, then you’d love this page. Artist Ben Hed focuses on creating illustrations based on his pet dog Brutus and his pet cat Pixie. He creates cute and entertaining stories about his pets and the adventures they go on. He also includes other animals as guest stars for his stories.

Destination Far Away

Since the current pandemic has kept the majority of the world at a stand still, travel is currently one of the things that we cannot take advantage of for the time being to help you procrastinate. Destination Far Away is an instagram page that you’d love in order to admire travel photos from around the world. It’ll inspire you to create a bucket list of places to go, once travel goes back to normal again.


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